Tonight's class session was awesome. I have never used Trello before but it looks like fun. Twitter can be fun but sometimes I feel overwhelmed trying to keep up.
9/2/2012 03:45:16 pm

Hi Scott,

Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it in no time! I just started my journey in the OTEC cohort and highly recommend it. We're the online version of the ETEC master's because at least half of us live off-island and the rest have time constraints that prevent them attending traditional classes. Good luck!


9/3/2012 06:04:41 am

Hi Scott,

It's going pretty fast for me too, but I'm learning so much. Trello is new for me too, and I love it. I go to the Trello Board before the Wiki, because I like how it's organized. It helps me to oraganize.


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